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The Greater Palm Springs Chapter will accept up to 350 nominations each month from teachers, parents, police officers, and other adults in the community for school-age children in recognition of their good deeds or positive behavior. With the assistance of the selection committee, five students will be chosen for special recognition each month. They will be invited to a ceremony at the Palm Springs Police Department where the Chief of Police will award them plaques and prize packages, and they will be publicly recognized by program media sponsors KESQ and The Desert Sun. All nominees will receive a DO THE RIGHT THING T-shirt, a certificate of recognition, and a congratulatory letter from Chief Mills.


Things You Should Know


• Every month, DO THE RIGHT THING honors children in the Coachella Valley who distinguish themselves with their positive behavior.


• UP TO 5 NOMINEES each month receive special recognition & prizes at a Palm Springs Police Department ceremony.

• ALL NOMINEES get a DO THE RIGHT THING T-SHIRT, a certificate of recognition, and a congratulatory letter from Chief Mills.


Please note: If a student has already been nominated at any point during the school year, they cannot be nominated again until the next school year.


A student must be nominated by an adult 18 years or older!


Examples of Good Deeds


  • Turning in something that was lost

  • Helping someone in need

  • Helping to keep their school safe

  • Acts of selfless service

  • Volunteering time to charitable organizations in the community

  • Improving school grades / attitude

  • Acts that help improve our environment

To nominate a student, fill-in the online form below and click SUBMIT

Student's T-Shirt Size (estimated)

* Required fields. Congratulations to your student! Thank you for submitting.

Do the Right Thing Greater Palm Springs

PO Box 559

Palm Springs, CA 92263


Terri Ketover, Executive Director

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